
Time to protect our oceans is now

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

The Green Party is calling on the Government to support a strong global treaty at the United Nations to protect our oceans, as Greenpeace hands over a 60,000 signature petition at Parliament today.

“Oceans are the lifeblood of our planet, and if they are in trouble, so are we,” says Green Party spokesperson for Oceans & Fisheries Eugenie Sage.

“As a country of small islands with a long sea voyaging history and deep connection to the moana, Aoteroa New Zealand must stand up and be a leading voice at the United Nations for a robust and effective Global Oceans Treaty.

“The high seas – the ocean areas beyond the jurisdiction of any nation – cover two thirds of the surface of the planet, yet less than one percent of the high seas is protected.

“A Global Oceans Treaty is an essential step towards countries working together to protect our oceans from industrial fishing, deepsea drilling, plastic pollution, sediment run off from land, seabed mining, and warming sea temperatures.

“New Zealanders want the Government to act – the time to protect our oceans is now.”

/Public Release. View in full .