In another important drought response action, waterwise information kits have been delivered to accommodation providers across the Tamworth Region to ensure visitors taking in the local sights understand our community is making every effort to conserve water.
The kits, produced by leading national industry advisor Smart WaterMark, include a range of materials including shower hangers, shower timers, door hangers, table cards and stickers designed to raise awareness among visitors about the current low water supply and drought conditions in the Region.
Tamworth Regional Council Water Sustainability Officer, Ian Lobban, said the move is part of a range of ongoing drought response and water sustainability.
“The kits are designed to ensure that visitors enjoy their stay in our Region while using our water as efficiently as possible during that time,” he said.
“We have asked accommodation providers to use the kits in guest rooms and to date we have had a positive response.
“Making small changes with our water use can make a big difference and this applies to our Region’s visitors too.
“There is a shared responsibility in this drought to reduce our water consumption which is why Council is encouraging and helping accommodation providers to deliver this message to the region’s visitors.”
The kits are one of the actions outlined in a report to be tabled at next Tuesday night’s Council meeting.
The report also reveals how residents across the Region can expect to soon receive a water efficiency fact sheet in the mail which explains a range of tips and encourages them to visit their local Council office to collect a free a shower timer.
“A 10-minute shower can use up to 90 litres of water, so taking a shorter shower can make a big difference to water consumption,” Mr Lobban said. “We have purchased timers to help residents limit their shower time to three minutes – we see it as a good investment in reducing the amount of water we use every day.”
The report provides an update on all drought response and water sustainability actions which was approved by Councillors in March this year. They include the installation of automated meter readers, rainwater tank and bore inspections, an audit of large water users and sourcing of specialist technical advice.