
Latest ACTU News | Page 9

Paid leave for parents critical to getting kids first dose before school returns
NSW Energy Minister, Fijian PM, European Climate Foundation chief, ACTU President
Senate inquiry exposes damning reality of insecure work
Labor’s Made in Australia Skills Plan would fuel pandemic recovery & reinvest in Australian jobs
Labor’s 2030 target provides important certainty
Another year gone, still no federal anti-corruption commission
Morrison delays action for women again
International digital project reveals convicts’ contribution to Australian democracy for next generation
GDP shows cost of vaccine strollout
Government should be seeking unity, not stoking division
Support for workers critical to keeping reopening workplaces safe
Morrison’s Religious Discrimination Bill to enable workplace discrimination
ACTU calls on Government to strengthen WGEA
We have pay rise & secure job shortage, not labour shortage
Work health and safety is getting worse under Morrison
Morrison reopens visa schemes, bowing to big business
Labor shows action is possible to fight insecure work
FedEx locks out essential workers
Christmas job projections hollow for increasingly insecure workforce
Recovery failing to deliver for workers
Littleproud puts employers in charge of policing Ag Visa exploitation
Morrison forced to back down on ideological attack on industry superannuation
Agricultural visa program will allow employers to treat workers like property
New Agriculture Visa would strip safeguards present in routinely exploited Pacific Labour Mobility program
Profits defy pandemic recession while workers continue to battle stagnant wages and rising insecurity
Up to 700,000 workers to have disaster payments cut today
$5 billion in superannuation stolen from workers
Workplace deaths increase two years in row, report shows
Removal of $450 threshold huge win for working people
New data shows Central Queensland leads country in insecure jobs
Australians working multiple jobs at highest level on record 21 October
New data reinforces urgent need to make workplaces safer for women
Morrison Government passes trade agreement with military dictatorship
AiGroup demands future government guts workers’ rights
2.5 million effectively out of work or looking for hours
QUBE ignores Premier’s call to return to negotiations
We must not leave workers behind on dust disease prevention
Clean exports could deliver 395,000 new jobs
QUBE walks away from Port of Fremantle talks
Insecure work is massive work health and safety risk
ACTU launches demands for COVID-safe workplaces
Morrison Government continues to cut disaster payments as one
Threats to mental health and workplace violence among OHS risks faced by frontline workers
Threats to mental heath and workplace violence among OHS risks faced by frontline workers
New dawn for agriculture’s workforce
Morrison refuses to support workers while job vacancies drop 10 per cent and effective unemployment hits 9.7 per cent
Morrison cuts worker support payments early, again
New visa program green light for worker exploitation