
Latest American Heart Association News

Integrating GABA and dopamine signals to regulate meal initiation
Coughing won’t save you if you’re having a heart attack, despite what people claim on social media
Ultra-processed foods associated with faster biological ageing: study
High blood pressure and shorter sleep may worsen brain decline: study
Powerful AI tool can boost precision medicine, treatments
Monash-led research is expanding treatment options for high cholesterol
Holiday Eating: Is It Heartburn Or Heart Condition?
Halloween Candy: Trick Or Treat?
Research exchange with Duke University – Drones as First Responders
Hot Flushes Are Associated With Cardiovascular Risk
What is mental imagery? Brain researchers explain the pictures in your mind and why they’re useful
Eating for necessity or pleasure? There is a brain circuit for that
Is your smartwatch making you anxious? Wearables can lead people to stress more about their health
Stroke survivors may be saddled with an invisible disability known as spatial neglect – but a simple treatment offers significant improvement
Alterations in human gene TRPC5 cause obesity and postpartum depression
1 in 5 deaths are caused by heart disease, but what else are Australians dying from?
Assoc Prof Mary Kavurma and team win prestigious international award
What you eat could alter your unborn children and grandchildren’s genes and health outcomes
Synthetic Platelets Stanch Bleeding, Promote Healing in Animal Models
New research suggests intermittent fasting increases the risk of dying from heart disease. But the evidence is mixed
Discrimination Drives Smoking Habits, Hurting Heart Health
Your heart changes in size and shape with exercise – this can lead to heart problems for some athletes and gym rats
Boosting potassium is key for blood pressure control, study suggests
Genomic study sheds light on immune microenvironment in transplanted pediatric hearts
From heartbreaker to heart hero: Leading cardiologist says Taylor Swift could save lives
Apixaban no better than aspirin for preventing some strokes
This salt alternative could help reduce blood pressure. So why are so few people using it?
Potassium-enriched salt is the missing ingredient in hypertension guidelines
Dr Carmine Gentile and world-renowned research team join HRI
Mobile units increase odds of averting stroke
BCM receives multiple recognitions from the American Heart Association
New Apple research highlights the health benefits of pickleball
New presidential advisory puts food at the heart of U.S. health policy
Produce Prescription Programs for Patients with Diabetes Could Save Billions in Healthcare Costs, Study Shows
Produce Prescription Programs for Patients with Diabetes Could Save Billions in Healthcare Costs, Study Shows
How a pain in your leg could be just as fatal as a pain in your chest
WHO announces Acute Care Action Network for emergency, critical and operative care
CRISPR and Single-cell Sequencing Pinpoint Causal Genetic Variants for Traits and Diseases
Bedtime changes raise blood pressure
Coronary calcium scoring is cost-effective for stratifying risk and guiding statin therapy
New study to measure impact of childhood fitness on adult heart health
Inhalable ‘SHIELD’ Protects Lungs Against Covid, Flu Viruses
Biosensor could lead to new drugs, sensory organs on chip
Uric acid linked to later risk for irregular heart rhythm
What if sodium in packaged foods was reduced for entire continent?
Serotonin 2C receptor associated with obesity and maladaptive behavior
Boeing Strengthens European Team with New EU, NATO and Government Affairs Leadership
Ultrafine patircles can change defense against lung cancer