
Latest Australian Marine Conservation Society News | Page 3

Could Tasmania host world’s first extinction of shark or ray in modern times?
Australia’s marine environment needs more funding after decade of neglect
Aussies don’t know what they’re getting with their seafood, & key industry players don’t want to change that 
Gillnets obliterating endangered species in Reef waters
Ocean conservationists toast Queensland refund for wine & spirit bottles
Reef catchment erosion repair funding will help GBR, but more needed
Australia needs plastics laws after business fails to deliver
New research shows Australia’s southern reef marine life collapsing
IPCC report shows Australia must do more to protect Reef, oceans and climate
Endangered sawfish win reprieve with NT fishing closure
Penguin paradise and geological freak: why Macquarie Island deserves a bigger marine park
Report backs plan to expand marine protection for Macquarie Island
Conservation groups welcome completion of High Seas Treaty
NSW surfers, divers, recfishers & conservationists unite to oppose land clearing
More protection for Australia’s World Heritage-listed Macquarie Island
Historic win for Reef: Federal Govt rejects risky coal mine
AMCS highlights Australia’s role at IMPAC5 marine protection congress
Australian & Queensland governments must do more to save reef sharks
New nature laws must protect our oceans & reefs
Today’s NSW plastic ban will divert 2.7 billion plastic items from oceans
Australian and Queensland Governments must take critical steps to save Reef after Monitoring Report released
John Williamson calls for ocean protection with new song backed by children’s choirs across Australia
AMCS commends Australian Government’s international commitment to ocean protection
REDcycle program suspension bad news for oceans
Whaling meeting ends with mixed results for our ocean giants
Marine experts welcome global resolution to save whales from plastic
Additional $204 million for Great Barrier Reef can help boost resilience to global warming
MR 22 09 28 New energy plan is encouraging start to tackling climate crisis in Reef’s home state REEF
New proposal to increase marine sanctuary in Great Sandy Marine Park could see greater protection for dugongs, turtles
MR 09 22 QLD Reef Polling – Over half of regional Queenslanders would support stronger climate action from QLD government
Feeble Spanish mackerel measures unlikely to recover stock
Byron celebrates epic history of protection for marine sanctuaries
Fisheries managers ignoring stock data for long-lived orange roughy
Fears for marine wildlife after oil and gas exploration release
Sydney Harbour restoration project ‘encouraging sign’ for marine conservation
Queensland government must enforce compliance with Reef regulations as new report card shows little improvement
Environment Minister’s proposal to refuse mine puts Great Barrier Reef first
New data shows promising increase in coral cover but comes with warning on diversity loss
New report shows risk of Clive Palmer owned Central Queensland Coal mine 10km from Reef ‘too high’
One turtle killed every twelve days on NSW coast by shark nets in past year, new data reveals
Scenic Rim retreat sets new sustainability benchmark
On 40th anniversary of signing of commercial whaling moratorium, why modern whale conservation must be about more than just managing
Time to turn tide on ocean health after dire environment report released
Queensland Government’s Spanish mackerel management options ‘disastrous’
GoodFish Sustainable Seafood Guide Update shows big drop in green-listed NSW-caught seafood
Queensland to ban more plastics in win for wildlife
Australia makes statement of intent on global oceans leadership at UN Conference
More protections for tiger sharks needed after new study indicates possible population wipe out