
Latest Blackmans Bay News

Kingston police investigating burglaries as total offences drop
Geeveston Man Charged With Wide Range Of Matters
Blackmans Bay Man Charged With Drug Trafficking
Will landowners take legal action against water authoities for selling PFAS contaminated biosolids?
Turning experiences into capabilities
Kingborough community encouraged to report crime to police
Man charged over string of burglaries in Kingston, Blackmans Bay and Margate areas
Burglaries in Blackmans Bay area
Stolen motor vehicle, Greater Hobart area
Supporting mates at home and away
Public consultation opens on Algona interchange and Kingston Bypass duplication
$5 million to deliver water security in South Arm
Labor welcomes reopening of Blackmans Bay Beach
Firearm discharged in Blackmans Bay
Police charge youth with assault on Blackmans Bay man
Kingston Police investigate assault
Police investigating wounding at Blackmans Bay
Murder at Blackmans Bay
Police investigating series of car burglaries in Blackmans Bay overnight
Four people in custody over Carlton aggravated burglary
Police investigate motor vehicles damaged in Kingston and Blackmans Bay area
Tasmanians need up-to-date beach information – not silence – over Easter
Beach Watch needs to be extended for more regular testing of Derwent