
Latest Business Council of Australia News | Page 13

Australian Climate Roundtable renews its commitment to successful action on climate change
Priorities for a stronger and fairer Australia
Stronger regions build a stronger Australia
Employers welcome commitment to making regional Australia stronger
Australia’s mining industry pays tribute to Sir Arvi Parbo
Business Council releases a plan for a stronger Australia
WTO agreement a win for Australians
Further climate policy detail welcomed
Labor climate plan a credible platform to cut pollution across industries but greater ambition is needed
Business Council of Australia at Odds With Own Members on Climate Action
Underemployment: epidemic federal budget needs to address
ACF targets big business on climate
Commitment to independent wages system welcomed
Planning for growth can boost our regions
Business welcomes employment services reform
Common sense decision will help protect jobs
Supplier payment code recommendations a step in right direction
Coalition’s record levels of renewable generation exposes Labor’s reckless policy
Business welcomes sensible changes to skilled visas
Supplier payment code now covering more than half a trillion in revenue
Guidelines risk stalling economy
Stronger economic growth needed to boost wages
Indonesian trade agreement vital for Australia’s competitiveness
Planning decisions must remain independent
Australians deserve more from their post-secondary education and skills system
ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations welcomed
Business welcomes energy announcements
More jobs are welcome but we must attract investment
The whole country benefits when business works together
Business welcomes a step forward in the energy debate
Wages growth a matter of basic economics