
Latest cognitive News | Page 18

Exercise may reduce depression symptoms, boost effects of therapy
Unravelling mystery of parrot longevity
Enhanced CBT can radically reduce long-term depression, finds study
Covid hastens trend toward more ‘dynamic’ workplace: University of Toronto researcher
Can music slow onset of neurodegenerative disease?
Three-year-old Preschool Delivering for Territory Kids
Low vitamin C linked to cognitive impairment in older Australians
Covid and brain
Delirium linked to increase in hospital deaths
Study: Language may not shape social outcomes
Sensory tech for inclusive performances at Melbourne Design Week
Disability inclusion plan on exhibition
New research into gut-brain connection to benefit people living with MS
Reduced inhibition of hippocampal neurons impairs long-term memory recall in Rett syndrome
Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge inspires primary school children
GlyNAC supplementation extends life span in mice
Giving More Kids Chance To Explore Another Language
Greater training needed for health professionals caring for people with cognitive disability
Older drivers empowered to recognise signs, South Australia
Bond between mothers and their babies integral to infant development, Deakin study finds
Educators receive national recognition at AAUT
Why language is like charades – and could save us from AI
Researchers get creative to support healthy ageing minds
Research to help families survive and thrive after stroke
How can we get better at telling misinformation from reliable expert consensus?
How providers help patients shift expectations to make tough medical decisions
Brain Training with Neurofeedback Shows Enhanced Benefits on Cognitive Functions
Slow walk and memory issues may predict dementia risk
Potential to identify risk of Alzheimer’s in middle age
Sense of ‘professionalism’ linked to unethical behavior
Natural mineral may reverse memory loss
Best Start In Life For Every Victorian Three-Year-Old
ISU program aims to support healthy aging through walking
Newborn screening for rare genetic disorders offers hope
Dementia-linked protein map yields potential for treatments
Newborn Screening For Rare Genetic Disorders Offers Hope
Simple vehicle warning systems as effective as more complex ones: University of Toronto study
Creative Through Movement
Behavioral indicator for preterm infants
Kindergarten commences soon
First images of enzyme provide insights into cause of hereditary neurological disease
Brain activity during observational learning similar to memory recall
How brain’s blue spot helps us focus our attention
Choline during pregnancy impacts children’s sustained attention
Third UN SDG:Learn Steering Group meeting
Covid patients have severely increased levels of oxidative stress and oxidant damage, and glutathione deficiency
Those that game together, stay together 25 December
Know CO – use an active warning carbon monoxide detector