
Latest eating disorders News | Page 5

What we know about our children after 2021
Specialist Mental Health Care For Victorian Women
Interview with Jonesy and Amanda, WSFM
New discoveries make steps toward lipoedema diagnosis and treatment
Progressing Canberra’s eating disorder residential treatment centre
Social media’s exploitation of kids has to stop
High demand for more eating disorders research
Interview with Steve Price, Australia Today
NSW new $130million to fast track state’s mental health recovery
Support for child welfare and health studies
Interview with Neil Breen, 4BC
Interview with Leon Byner, FIVEaa
Call for new advisers on mental health research
Mental Health Support Through And Beyond Pandemic
Parents taught about online impact on teen mental health
$130 million to fast track state’s mental health recovery
$130 million to fast track NSW Mental Health Recovery
Children from wealthy backgrounds at greater risk of tooth wear
World Mental Health Day-mental health care for all Australians
Instagram can make teens feel bad about their body, but parents can help. Here’s how
Calls for NSW child protection reforms to better target support for families impacted by domestic violence
Yarra Ranges 2021 Grants for Community recipients announced
COVID has presented unique challenges for people with eating disorders. Theyll need support beyond pandemic
Mental health report highlights importance of early intervention
Supporting South Australians Through COVID Recovery
RACGP encourages rural GPs to take up new mental health training to help children after disasters
Caring for Mental and Physical Health during pandemic
Impact grants propel novel research
Greens pledge major investments in mental health
Supporting mental health and wellbeing in our schools
Understanding impacts of beauty industry shutdown during COVID-19
Researchers recognised as national leaders
Nominate a local legend for a Sunshine Coast Australia Day Award 24 September
World’s largest eating disorder gene screen
QLD researchers seeking 3,500+ volunteers for world’s largest eating disorders genetics investigation
AUS researchers seeking 3,500+ volunteers for world’s largest eating disorders genetics investigation
Greater focus needed on kids during pandemic
Government launches new COVID-19 mental health clinics in Victoria
Spotlight on disordered eating in high performance sport
Scientists find genes linked to self-harm
Further State-Commonwealth collaboration on mental health to be applauded
New mental health clinics to support Victorians during COVID-19 pandemic
Rethink for treating severe eating disorders
Spike in number of young Aussies seeking help online for body image and eating disorders during COVID-19 pandemic
Investigating effects of COVID-19 on eating and exercise behaviours
Investigating effect of COVID-19 on eating and exercise behaviours
Vital support flowing for grass roots health care providers
Surviving Social Distancing