
Latest environment protection News | Page 13

Recycle your unwanted clothing and textiles for free
Supreme Court decision toughens pollution enforcement – EPA
Less is More: Free ‘Together We Grow’ Movie Night
Global search for head of Environment Information Australia
Intel leads EPA to wastewater in billabong
Final notice issued to Newcrest Cadia mine
Ardeer car wrecker fined over fire hazards
Mildura Landfill tip face maintenance trial off to a promising start
New member appointed to the NT Environment Protection Authority
Clarification on north coast forestry operations
Doing What Matters: Bringing Back SEC
Former CRDC-supported scientist joins the team to manage research
Soil spill spells trouble for trucking company
Newcrest Cadia mine under investigation
Poultry waste plus primary school equals EPA fine
Vital funding partnership announced to save Red Handfish from extinction
Construction site blitz to help keep our waterways clean
Builders urged to contain site litter and construction waste
Reporting on building site compliance in ‘Gong
EPA slaps recycler with hefty fine
EPA fines Byrneside company for burning waste
Morwell company fined $40,000 for illegal dumping
Australia’s marine environment needs more funding after decade of neglect
Nature protection watchdog needs funding boost
Joint approach to cut down paper waste certificates
Core Lithium goes from strength to strength in Territory
Budget shows the environment is not a priority under the Albanese Government
Lithgow City Council is adding a green bin to the kerbside collection service
Noisy VW costs driver $1,450 in court
Work begins on Stage 1 of Huntingfield subdivision
How did science and research feature in Federal Budget?
Building nature positive Australia
Misconceptions of food packaging aggravates food waste problem
13 defect notices issued to hoons in Thomastown
Update: Alpine MDF wood fibre incident
EPA fines company over sports ground pollution incident
Don’t let mess make its way to Bay
Builders urged to contain site litter and construction waste
Dont let leak ruin creek
No extension on deadline to move high-risk soft plastic stockpiles
Shock tactics to stop Australia’s extinction crisis
Government taking action to help protect Menindee
Court tells Woodside: Scarborough case must proceed
EPA Investigation into Darling-Barka fish kill
Private and planned burns to rise as weather cools
Raid My Wardrobe Cessnock