
Latest ETU ³Ô¹ÏÍøÕ¾ News

Qantas Engineers Escalate Strike Action Ahead Of Festive Season As Major Airline Lies And Misleads During Wage Negotiations
Qantas engineers to stage nationwide walk-outs in escalation of wage dispute, impact to Monday’s peak-hour flights likely
Qantas engineers to strike, flights likely to be disrupted
Apprentice targets an important step forward
Offshore wind a winner for Wollongong
Offshore wind a winner for Wollongong
Centre of Excellence a critical step forward for clean energy skills
Electrical Trades Union
Dodgy training college crackdown welcome and overdue
Dutton wants to slash electrician wages
Indefensible: Organised exploitation at ADF sites
Energy transition doomed without aggressive action on apprentices
Baking in inequality – a stunning betrayal
Productivity Commission’s clapped out thinking demands clean out
ETU welcomes Government’s plans to decarbonise the economy, but Australian community must reap the benefits
ETU ³Ô¹ÏÍøÕ¾ survey reveals disgraceful standards and access to amenities for blue-collar workers
ETU and CEPU members unite across borders to support communities after violent storms
Malinauskas Govt investigating return to public ownership of SA electricity system
ETU industry conference 2022
ETU signs world-first Energy Workers Charter as part of ground-breaking Energy Plan for Queensland
Outcomes from ³Ô¹ÏÍøÕ¾ Jobs and Skills Summit
WIMDOI returns in full force
CEPU SA Power members defeat multinational company after 27-month long campaign
Labor on track to gut ABCC anti-worker Building Code, bringing fresh opportunities for apprentices
Survey results reveal cost of living pressures and lack of mentorship causing apprentices to consider quitting
ETU First Nations delegate Thor is changing minds on Queensland work sites
Landmark investment for Cbus: Australia’s first offshore wind project
ETU urges Goodline employees to VOTE NO to substandard agreement
Win for electrical workers at federal election 2022
ETU celebrates 120 years in Victoria
Changes to superannuation in July 2022
ETU FACTS: Working conditions and federal election
ETU FACTS: Aussie jobs and federal election
ETU FACTS: energy and federal election
ETU facts: taxes and federal election
ETU facts: Workers’ rights and federal election
Landmark report: Blueprint for Better, Cleaner Jobs
ETU Hardship Fund for members affected by floods
ETU members at WA News locked out for over seven weeks
ETU members drop everything to assist flood-affected communities
Cbus on growth path
ETU slams plan to turn Victoria’s Latrobe Valley into nuclear region as dangerous and short-sighted
Labor’s 2030 emissions reduction target ‘necessary intervention’
Union led campaign forces federal government to dump proposed snooping laws
Morrison urged to nurture apprentices
Federal Government must fix temporary migration system before it resumes
Federal Government must fix temporary migration system before it resumes
BHP should leave health decisions to workers