
Latest Hawking News

Artificial intelligence: what five giants of the past can teach us about handling the risks
It all started with a Big Bang – the quest to unravel the mystery behind the birth of the universe
‘Cosmic inflation’: did the early cosmos balloon in size? A mirror universe going backwards in time may be a simpler explanation
Could rotating black holes be the wind turbines powering the distant future? We tested the physics
The Higgs particle could have ended the universe by now – here’s why we’re still here
Theory of everything: how a fear of failure is hampering physicists’ quest for the ultimate answer
The mystery of consciousness shows there may be a limit to what science alone can achieve
Its more than name
When proteins get stuck: unlocking the secrets to brain diseases
Claiming AI can lead to human extinction is an overreaction: RMIT AI experts
Futurists predict a point where humans and machines become one. But will we see it coming?
ANU physicist making waves in space joins top global society
Outstanding Academy Fellows elected to Royal Society
People of Beechworth to feature in new Burke Museum exhibition
How women and girls are transforming STEM
Brian Cox: A Symphonic Universe
CERN theorist shares Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics