
Latest influenza News | Page 16

Rapid infectious disease shifts in Chinese children and adolescents prior to covid-19
Possible coronavirus drug identified by Monash University scientists
Ruby Princess update
Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation major grant for COVID-19 to Alfred Health
Quitline providing critical support to smokers at increased risk of coronavirus impacts
Aged care workers must get flu vaccination
Nurses plea – Protect yourselves and protect our community
Influenza vaccines released for 2020 season
Flu vaccination more important than ever during month of April
Time to get flu shot
Why our investment in PERKii Probiotics is helping us stay healthy
COVID-19 could be a game-changer, as scientists race to develop a vaccine
Flu vaccine should be free for all Australians: Greens
RACGP issues new advice for people to get flu vaccinations earlier than usual
Academy supports IAP Communiqué on COVID-19
76 new confirmed cases of COVID-19
Where to from here? government’s response to COVID-19
Queensland planning for temporary emergency hospitals for Covid-19 victims
Sadly, first death from COVID-19 in New Zealand
Coronavirus update on Council services and facilities
Coronavirus update 26 March
Stockpile on sleep, not supermarket staples to protect from COVID-19
Transcript: ABF Commissioner Michael Outram APM Press Conference
Immunisations still on, but bookings needed
Iowa State’s Nanovaccine Institute looks for new ways to protect public health
New program to monitor adverse effects of new vaccines
Greens call for release of COVID-19 modelling
Immune boost against corona virus
Advice for aged care facilities and visitors to residents
Early influenza shots for over 65s
COVID-19 limits on dispensing and sales at pharmacies
Mayors message on COVID-19
COVID-19 – Eight new cases linked to overseas travel
COVID-19: immune system can fight back
Colac Otway Enacting Pandemic Response Plan
New drive to boost medical workforce
COVID-19 prevention guidelines issued to Aged Care providers
Coronavirus: Stimulus package to arrest recession fears, says KPMG report
New Zealand’s COVID-19 public health response must be aggressive
2020 seasonal influenza vaccines
Victorians to be better protected by removing barriers to vaccination by pharmacists
Federal Government’s $17.6 billion stimulus package will assist Australians and support pharmacists
Global COVID-19 crisis declared a pandemic
NSW coronavirus stats as at 11 March
28 COVID-19 cases confirmed in NSW
Government decision will protect more SA children from influenza
One day closure at Epping Boys High School following confirmed Covid-19 case
Dora Lush’s legacy for women in science