
Latest Murray-Darling Basin News | Page 3

Delivering more water for South Australia’s environment
Now complete – Strategic Water Purchase Tender to Bridge the Gap in the Murray-Darling Basin
Offers flow as Government purchases water in the Murray-Darling Basin 
Native fish making comeback
Consulting firms provided low-quality research on crucial water policies. It shows we have a deeper problem
Another key step taken to restore our Murray-Darling Rivers
Allowing duck hunting to continue in Victoria is shameful and part of a disturbing trend
Getting straight to work to restore the Murray-Darling Rivers
Making the most of an opportunity
Balancing cultural heritage conservation with water needs at Lake Victoria
Constraints measures program delivers $20m infrastructure boost for SA river communities
Minns is so close to realising regional importance – Steph Cooke MP
Waterbird numbers up after La Niña years: aerial survey
Leading scientist says the carp herpes virus is needed
Greens win breakthrough agreement to protect nature & climate from greenwashing & gas fracking
Delivering on Labor’s commitments for nature
Victorian Labor’s refusal to sign on to Murray-Darling Basin plan will leave regional communities high and dry
Parliament passes breakthrough Murray-Darling law with Greens improvements
New Basin Plan shortchanges farmers, communities, rivers
Murray-Darling Basin Plan rescued
Breakthrough for Murray-Darling – new legislation throws rivers a lifeline after decade of neglect
Impending amendments to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan a giant leap toward creating a sustainable, healthy River Murray
SA Liberals hypocrisy on voluntary water buybacks laid bare
Labor abandons regional communities – again
Water agencies to manage flows for sustained water storage in Menindee upper lakes
Food prices up, food security down
Dredging at Murray Mouth back underway with drier times forecast
The government’s Murray-Darling bill is a step forward, but still not enough
Basin Plan Deal: Let Hunger Games Begin
Greens & Labor statement – Murray-Darling Basin
A win for the Murray Darling – agreement to strengthen Restoring our Rivers (2023) Bill offers our a rivers a lifeline
Strengthening Restoring Our Rivers Bill
Water Minister must come clean on Basin deal
“We stand by our river” – irrigators, graziers, fishers, First Nations leaders speak out in support of water buybacks
Towns rally to shout NO to Government’s Water Buyback legislation
Show Basin communities the same support as mining towns impacted by mine closures, say farmers
‘We stand by our river’: First Nations leaders, fishers, farmers and environment groups unite in Canberra to demand real water for the Murray-Darling
Murray-Darling water buybacks won’t be enough if we can’t get water to where it’s needed
Murray-Darling bill needs to go much further to deliver real water to rivers and justice for First Nations
Government witholds vital information from Senate on Murray-Darling Basin Bill
Guarantees needed in Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Giving native fish at Menindee Lakes and Lower Darling-Baaka a better chance
Schools left high and dry by water buybacks
Labor’s Basin plans will result in higher food prices, farmers warn
OzFish launches first ever recreational angler tagging program across Murray-Darling Basin
Fish and bird species to benefit from River Murray environmental water releases
Productivity Commission warns against rush to buybacks