
Latest musculoskeletal pain News

NSW latest role of pharmacists to expand to ear infections, nausea, acid reflux, acne, and muscle and joint pain
Role of pharmacists to expand to ear infections; nausea; acid reflux; acne; muscle and joint pain
WA Government’s expanded role for pharmacy fragments care for Western Australians: RACGP
New expanded role for community pharmacies introduced in WA
Ground-breaking research ‘Unlocks spinal health for older Australians’
Sydney researchers awarded over $42 million in NHMRC Investigator Grants
Statement On ABC Four Corners Pain Factory Episode
What are the most common symptoms of menopause? And which can hormone therapy treat?
No clear link between weather and common muscle and joint symptoms
Researchers awarded over $22 million in MRFF grants
Sydney researchers awarded over $48 million in NHMRC Investigator Grants
What is the PanaNatra line of painkillers and can herbal products effectively relieve pain?
UQ researchers in running for prestigious award
Lots of women try herbs like black cohosh for menopausal symptoms like hot flushes – but does it work?
Investigating health solutions
North Queensland pilot program to deliver more effective primary health care
How do we support Indigenous people in Australia living with musculoskeletal conditions?
No clear medical definition of ‘growing pains’
Pros and cons of working from home
Curtin-developed wearable sensor finds dancers are dancing through pain
New medicinal cannabis study gives hope to patients suffering chronic pain
‘Virtual clinician and coach’ to help young people with chronic pain
Medical researchers awarded over $11 million in funding
Hitting nerve: how antidepressants treat nerve pain
Floods claim life of highly-respected Queensland doctor
What’s difference between healthy and unhealthy relationship to your phone?
$30 million investment in research to drive better health
Wear and repair in osteoarthritis: exercise, not surgery, is key
The emotional toll of chronic pain