
Latest Nature Communications News | Page 4

Downscaling Storage Devices: Magnetic Memory Based on the Chirality of Spiral Magnets
Oxidative stress in heart failure varies between males and females
Can AI improve football teams’ success from corner kicks? Liverpool and others are betting it can
Cells harvested from urine may have diagnostic potential for kidney disease, find scientists
Study Unlocks Secrets To Animals’ Speed
New evidence for an unexpected player in Earth’s multimillion-year climate cycles: the planet Mars
CSIRO achieves record efficiency for next-gen roll-to-roll printed solar cells
Mars attracts: how Earth’s planetary interactions drive deep-sea circulation
Foot-eye coordination: how our vision changes in rhythm with our walking
Our brains take rhythmic snapshots of the world as we walk – and we never knew
Understanding Wind and Water at the Equator Key to More Accurate Future Climate Projections
‘Like a PCR lab in your pocket’: new test strips raise game in gene-based diagnostics
Filament formation enables cancer cells’ glutamine addiction
Umbrella for Atoms: The First Protective Layer for 2D Quantum Materials
New insight into c-MYC protein could pave the way for new cancer treatments
New insight into protein could pave the way for new cancer treatments
A promising leap towards computers with light-speed capabilities
War in Ukraine affected wellbeing worldwide, but people’s speed of recovery depended on their personality
Researchers observe the structural heterogeneity of a lipid scramblase
Researchers closer to understanding hydrogen’s great challenge
Revealing What Makes Bacteria Life-threatening
New technique developed for targeted protein degradation
Ancient DNA reveals Down syndrome in past human societies
Four real : quantum computing engineers perform multiple control methods in just one atom
Do AI-driven Chemistry Labs Actually Work? New Metrics Promise Answers
Scientists discover microbe unique to NZ | University of Canterbury
T cells team-up to protect the liver from infection
NIH grant awarded for study of key membrane proteins
World-first discovery may enable an effective long-term lupus treatment
Light, labor inducer could treat skin condition
Machine Learning Guides Carbon Nanotechnology
Arovella licences novel CARiNKT cell armouring technology
How a timekeeping gene affects tumor growth depends entirely on context
Structural study points way to better malaria drugs
Sodium channel investigation
Stromal cells may help predict prostate cancer metastasis
Combo treatment improves lung cancer outcomes
Research reveals new hope for obesity-induced heart disease
Team Explores Role of Stimulator of Interferon Genes in Body’s Innate Immune System
Most of land humans need to thrive is unprotected
Diversified crop rotations improve soil health, environmental impact and yield
In chatty midshipman fish, midbrain awakens gift of gab
Ultra-thin lithium strips show great promise as anode material for enhanced lithium ion batteries
Colour of Dragonflies Changes throughout Year
ISU researchers discover crucial step in creating blood stem cells
Aggressive colon tumor may be vulnerable to cholesterol therapy
HKUST Researchers Report the High-res Structure of a Cyanobacterial Virus
Simplifying Way Cell Proliferation is Monitored in Mice