
Latest Nauru News | Page 5

Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: May 2020
Foreign Minister makes four diplomatic appointments
Increasing COVID-19 testing capacity in Pacific
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: April 2020
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: March 2020
ADF completes first mission against illegal fishing for 2020
ADF completes first mission against illegal fishing for 2020
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: February 2020
Major steps taken to protect New Zealanders from COVID-19
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: January 2020
Statement from World Vision Australia Board Chair Shannon Adams
Holocaust ‘tourism’ still a big drawcard
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: December 2019
Law Council calls for Australian Government to intervene to support ‘Nauru 19’
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: November 2019
Statement on repeal of Medevac
Lifesaving Medevac Legislation to be repealed
Failure to resettle remaining offshore detainees to cost Australia $1.2 billion
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: October 2019
Arts community still blue for Manus and Nauru
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: September 2019
La Trobe honours Distinguished Alumni
Medevac law: how does it work?
High self-harm rates among detained asylum seekers prompts calls for action
Australia must stop discriminating against refugees with disabilities
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: August 2019
Why Manus leaves Australia compromised in Middle East coalition
Transferring asylum seeker families to Nauru – human rights report
Government slapped down for dragging sick asylum seekers through pointless legal battle
Why medevac should stay: Kaldor Centre strongly opposes repeal
Lifetime refugee ban is harsh and discriminatory, says Senate submission
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: July 2019
NZ boosts support for climate action across Pacific
Samoa ratifies PACER Plus Agreement
Australia combatting illegal fishing
Government moves to repeal Medevac Bill
Unaccompanied asylum seeker children in Australia urgently need an Independent Guardian
Barnaby Joyce joins growing Parliamentary support for Newstart increase and highlights living costs in bush and city
Joint LGBTIQ+ community statement in support of religious discrimination protections
People on Newstart share stories with MPs as part of Raise Rate Week of Action
Statement on constitutional recognition of Australia’s first peoples
Operation Sovereign Borders monthly update: June 2019
ACOSS Statement on passing of tax cut package
How Music Can Transform Lives Of Refugees
Grattan Institute report shows high-end tax cuts unfair, risky and expensive
Fight continues over refugee health transfers
ACOSS welcomes Labor’s opposition to locking in unaffordable tax cuts 5 years in advance
Stage 3 tax cuts would guarantee funding cuts