
Latest nuclear News | Page 10

LaFeber-Silbey Lecture to look back on 1970s U.S. power
QRC: Time to consider uranium mining in Queensland
Boeing Chairman, President and CEO Dennis Muilenburg and Boeing Board of Directors Reaffirm Company’s Commitment to Safety
Medical scans impacted by Australia-wide shortage
Australian foreign minister to visit United Nations
Hunt for dark matter: Sydney joins ARC Centre of Excellence
New Zealand-Japan Summit Joint Statement 2019
Deep dive for dark matter may aid all of data science
Rule Out Escalation of Involvement in US Operations Against Iran: Greens
Unpacking ‘packing’ is topic of Hans Bethe Lecture
KATRIN cuts mass estimate for elusive neutrino in half
Wide community opposition to nuclear power
Designing space for science at Synchrotron
Medical diagnostic scans to be prioritised due to technetium shortages
AMWU concerned about safety of ANSTO workers
Shanghai Electric Exhibits Breakthrough Smart Energy Technologies
Researchers find regulator for brain injury’s first responder
Climate conference to feature Penn State researchers Sept. 16-18
A Call for Prayer around Australia in Churches, for UN International Day of Peace
From healthy babies to green energy storage: University researchers share $9 million
Melatonin is a potential drug for prevention of bone loss during space flight
$1 million in new funding connecting young scientists to Nobel Laureates
$1m in new funding connecting young scientists to Nobel Laureates
Sensor used at CERN could help gravitational-wave hunters
Dark matter to shed light on universe
UOW-led team wins Eureka Prize for Environmental Research
South Australia: World Leader in Renewables and Energy Market Transition
University of Canterbury investing $2.6m in cutting edge research equipment
When patient is planet
Compound hastens sexual maturity, and death, in worms
Scientists marvel at collision between black hole and possible neutron star
Doctors protest Uni link to nuclear weapons
Augmented reality system designed to save lives in industrial plants wins Maker Games
VR system designed to save lives in manufacturing plants wins Maker Games
$28 million innovation boost to Australia’s defence industry
Sticky proteins help plants know when – and where – to grow
KSB is First Reactor Coolant Pump Manufacturer to be Certified for Modern Nuclear Power Plants
Hodgman must finally stand up for Tasmania at COAG
Cleaner cruises thanks to particle accelerators
Committee to explore nuclear power option
Hodgman fails to stand up for Tasmania on nuclear energy
City flags anti-nuclear stance on Hiroshima Day
Nuclear power inquiry first step in a mature fact-based discussion
Anaemic star carries mark of its ancient ancestor
Why intercountry adoption needs a rethink
Fallout (working title) set to unravel Australia’s atomic past
Queensland LNP’s glowing endorsement for nuclear power
A Eureka moment for UOW-led research team