
Latest Oak Ridge ³Ô¹ÏÍøÕ¾ Laboratory News

Australian researchers win the ‘Nobel’ of high-performance computing
Mini smart city drives design of safer automated transportation
Oak Ridge ³Ô¹ÏÍøÕ¾ Laboratory Adds IQM Resonance Quantum Cloud Service to Its Quantum Computing User Program
Machine Learning Predicts Highest-Risk Groundwater Sites to Improve Water Quality Monitoring
Trace gas measurements could advance carbon cycle predictions
Researchers study 3D printing tungsten parts for extreme conditions in nuclear reactors
University of Manchester scientists win prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Prizes
Launch of new Queensland-based research and manufacturing hub targeting precision medicines
UQ hub to enable new range of precision cancer treatments
HKUST Researchers Develop AI-enabled Model to Help Mitigate Global Ammonia Emissions from Cropland by 38%
Stacking Order and Strain Boosts Second-Harmonic Generation with 2D Janus Hetero-bilayers
Exploring Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei: First Observation of Oxygen-28
Cornell to lead concrete decarbonization project
Mitigating corrosion by liquid tin could lead to better cooling in fusion reactors
From Rust Belt to Green Belt: Penn State leads nuclear research alliance
Unique ferroelectric microstructure revealed for first time
Lasers trigger magnetism in atomically thin quantum materials
ANSTO scientist awarded Nancy Millis Medal for Women in Science by Australian Academy of Science
ANSTO scientist awarded Nancy Millis Medal for Woman in Science by Australian Academy of Science
Electrostatic engineering gets lead out for faster batteries
Team preparing for billion-dollar telescope shortlisted for Nobel Prize of supercomputing
Scientists defy nature to make insta-bling at room temperature
Scientists make insta-bling at room temperature
Graphene-reinforced carbon fiber may lead to affordable, stronger car materials
Graphene forms under microscope’s eye