
Latest Portland News | Page 3

Portland offshore wind zone declared by Federal Government
Concern Over Wind Energy Zone Decision
Regional job opportunities and energy security unlocked with offshore wind zone declared in the Southern Ocean
Lithgow Council’s latest meeting brings forward numerous projects
More Than 100 Cannabis Plants Seized In Portland
Portland wife gives husband life-saving gift
Pacific Green to Develop one of Australia’s Largest Grid-Scale Battery Energy Parks
Yes to Renewables: Putting communities and jobs first
Forged by Fire Roaring Success
Hills Shire Roads Impacted By 2022 Floods Repaired
Arson and Explosives Squad investigate series of suspicious fires – Portland
Death of member: Garry Mallen, Portland brigade
Hawkesbury Australia Day 2024 – award recipients announced
Australia Day Celebrations 26 January
How math can improve fairness in elections, redistricting
Great Ocean Rescue Tour a Resounding Success from Ocean Grove to Portland
Funding Boost For Local Portland Health Service
Australia Day activities and road closures- Portland
Police charge man after Portland death
Homicide Squad detectives investigate death of man in Portland
The Great Ocean Rescue Tour – Starts This Weekend
The Great Ocean Rescue Tour
Forged by Fire Festival in January 2024
The Foundations Development Control Plan adopted by Lithgow Council
Sea fireflies synchronize their sparkle to seek soulmates
Australian tugboat responders honoured by IMO for bravery
Interruption to Water Service – Emergency Works on Roxburgh Street, Portland
$2.1 million Cape Nelson Lighthouse restoration complete
Pacific Green to Develop South Australia’s Largest Grid-Scale Battery Energy Park
Police seek help to locate missing man Sidney
Detectives launch Day of Action to locate 1997 murder suspect, Operation Larder
Supporting seafarer welfare – the DCN 2023 Australian Shipping and Maritime Industry Awards
Protecting Victoria’s abalone from virus outbreaks
ABC and VicHealth shine a spotlight on Melbourne’s remarkable young storytellers
Lithgow Hospital: green powerhouse
Lower Portland Ferry will be temporarily out of action for maintenance
Lower Portland Ferry will be temporarily out of service for essential maintenance
Reception counter hours reduced as police prioritise community patrols
Scrapper fined $95,000 after customer’s leg severed
Fourteen firearms seized during Gordon warrant
Cox Street works to resume next Monday
Training Early Childhood Educators For Future
Changes finalised for Portland Bay netting
Community Sponsorship Program open for applications until 31 October
Week in Life of Mayor
Flicking switch on Portland’s new generator
Supporting communities outside of our big cities to thrive
Pawsome News For Victoria’s Pooches