
Latest primary care News | Page 21

Public health researchers use telemedicine to manage diabetes and hypertension in rural Pakistan
Baylor Medicine earns age-friendly healthcare designa
RACGP welcomes report highlighting value of telehealth and telephone consultations
Computer-security researchers aim to prevent tech abuse
Recognizing signs of mental health issues and eating disorders in children and adolescents
NACCHO and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health sector oppose proposed Queensland Community Pharmacy Trial
Analogy-based education improves glycemic control in diabetic patients with hyperglycemia
Expressions of interest now open for Covid pandemic response workforce
Highly skilled nursing workforce will lead Australians into 22nd century says ACN Pre-Budget Submission
Better access to PPE needed for ALL primary care workers
Labor to Invest $11.6 Million for Health Facility in Palmerston
RACGP backs calls for action on Covid in Northern Territory
ICD-11 2022 release
WHO’s new International Classification of Diseases comes into effect
Letter to health ministers calls for pharmacy prescribing pilot to be dumped
Hospitals in Communities with More People of Color Less Likely to Offer Programs Addressing Opioid Use
AMA amongst those calling for cessation of QLD Pharmacy Trial
AMA seeks clarification from TGA on North Queensland Pharmacy Trial
More than 80 per cent of eligible aged care residents receive boosters
Diabetes drugs could save thousands of lives
What role can dentists play in reducing obesity among their patients?
Australian employers paying up for mums and dads on parental leave
Essential health services face continued disruption during Covid pandemic
ACEM responds to Australian Government’s $24 million for ED research
Become GP: new campaign to boost frontline care
Happy birthday Medicare but are you still with it?
Health budget must counter COVID cracks
Australian College of Nursing calls for urgent tax-free COVID payment to NSW nurses
Novavax Covid vaccine to be available in coming weeks
Keeping Education Open And Safe In 2022
GP Synergy member vote on constitutional changes successful
Private MedTech companies stepping into breach
Victoria Reduces Third Dose Interval Ahead Of Vax Blitz
Inspirational South West sisters blazing trail in learning and life
$24 million for telehealth to support GPs, specialists and their patients to stay connected, and over 20 million units of PPE
New funding for better heart health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
RACGP, RDAA, ACRRM, NACCHO & AMA – Government advised of GP COVID concerns
AMA meets with Ministers to discuss Covid pressure in medical practices
Government advised of GP COVID concerns
Use of locums highest in rural, small or poorer performing GP practices
ACN fears for mental health of nursing workforce
Can severe weather changes make allergies worse?
Interval between primary course of Covid vaccination and booster dose further reduced
Statement on Omicron variant of Covid
Strengthening support for front line workforces as booster rollout continues
Life Now courses to provide New Year boost for cancer patients
AHPPC statement on Omicron public health implications and response options
RACGP cautiously welcomes vaccine rollout funding boost