
Latest private health cover News

Insurers pricing out Australians from quality private health insurance
Commonwealth Ombudsman Report into “loopholes” making private health insurance more expensive
Consumers downgrade private health insurance as cost-of-living pressure bites
How does Australia’s progressive tax system work – and what is ‘bracket creep’?
EDs achieve for Queenslanders despite increase in demand
Keeping premiums affordable keeps pressure off public hospitals
Labor’s Hidden Price Hike Revealed
Health funds keep premium rise under inflation but rising costs remain a challenge
Health funds pay record amount for healthcare in 2023 as member claims exceed pre COVID levels
Value of private health insurance
Bupa tops-up cashback to $395 million
Helping you save money in one easy place
Increased exercise leads to unexpected injuries during lockdown
COVID shows need to reset health spending in Budget
Life insurers should not dictate who receives mental health treatment
Crozier – Victorians with private health hospital cover pushed aside
Pros and cons of private, public health