
Latest RMA Reform News

One-stop shop fast-track bill passes third reading
Second RMA Amendment Bill introduced to Parliament
Record number of submissions received on granny flat proposal
Government provides clarity to farmers and councils on freshwater plans
Fast-track Projects Released
Replacement for the Resource Management Act takes shape
Next steps on Electrifying New Zealand
Huge interest in one-stop shop Fast-track Bill
RMA Reform Phase Two priorities and plan
Granny flats popular with all ages
Making it easier to build granny flats
First RMA amendment Bill introduced to Parliament
Decisions on Wellington City Council’s District Plan
Decision allows for housing growth in Western Bay of Plenty
Urgent changes to system through first RMA Amendment Bill
Government consults on extending coastal permits for ports
New Fast Track Projects advisory group named
Project applications for Fast Track open today
One-stop shop major projects on the fast track
Fast track consenting in the fast lane
NBA and SPA successfully repealed