
Latest sustainable population News | Page 3

Jobs summit: Boost salaries for skilled migrants to end rorts
Earth Overshoot Day edges ever earlier
Population growth has ‘very high impact’ on biodiversity: SoE report
On this World Population Day, we must reassert women’s right to choose
Further funds to upgrade ageing assets
Council opens up land to address housing shortage
On this Environment Day – remember Stockholm
Support union call for income threshold for all skilled migrants: SPA
Albanese government must introduce population policy
Solutions to land degradation must include an end to population growth
Invest in our planet by ending population growth
Food insecurity breeds conflict
Climate change threatens food production
Agriculture under threat from expanded mining leases
Population growth key driver of environmental decline: NSW SoE report
Fenner conference to critically examine Australian agriculture
Population growth has increased Australia’s climate emissions
Call by AIG for increased migrant intake unwarranted
Fall in birthrate and fertility welcome: SPA
Skilled migrant shortage sham: New Briefing Note
New poll: Australians decisively reject Big Australia path
Do Australians wish to return to high levels of immigration, or not?
Bulging cities focus of new environmental campaign
SPA welcomes world vasectomy week but seeks focus on other contraceptive methods as well
Big majority of Australians reject Big Australia
World Food Day: Little hope of eradicating hunger while global population increases
Time to give young women freedom from unwanted pregnancies