
Latest telescope News

Astronomers have spied an asteroid that may be heading for Earth. Here’s what we know so far
New Study Reveals 3D Structure Of Iconic Ring Nebula
2 populations of dark comets in the solar system could tell researchers where the Earth got its oceans
Dark energy doesn’t exist, according to new NZ study | University of Canterbury
Astronomers’ world-first discovery: twin stars trapped in galactic black hole orbit
What is a dark comet? A quick guide to the ‘new’ kids in the Solar System
How to catch a supernova explosion before it happens – and what we can learn from it
We’ve found an answer to the puzzle of how the largest galaxies formed
New map of the universe uses gravitational waves to reveal hidden black holes and cosmic structure
Swinburne funded $2.7 million for ARC Discovery Projects
Astronomers may have discovered the answer to a mysterious stellar event
Stars align for ICRAR with $25 million Government commitment
Astronomers measure electrons from space at record energies
Solar Fire Up Close
Egg-shaped galaxies may be aligned to the black holes at their hearts, astronomers find
A distant planet seems to have a sulphur-rich atmosphere, hinting at alien volcanoes
Rocky planets orbiting small stars could have stable atmospheres needed to support life
​Research enabled by CSIRO telescope wins prestigious science prize
Curious Kids: What does the edge of the universe look like?
The earliest galaxies formed amazingly fast after the Big Bang. Do they break the universe or change its age?
There were more black holes in the early universe than we thought – new research
Scientists have found carbon dioxide on Pluto’s largest moon – offering clues about how it formed
The universe is smoother than the standard model of cosmology suggests – so is the theory broken?
Hot Jupiter’s eccentric triangle of attraction could be a live case of ‘3 Body Problem’
Earth is getting a tiny new mini-moon. It won’t be the first (or the last)
Volcanoes May Help Reveal Interior Heat On Jupiter Moon
Rescue Mission For Cosmological Principle
Astronomers Are Getting Better At Detecting Asteroids Before They Hit Earth – And It Could Save Us From Catastrophe
A billionaire and an engineer have completed the first private spacewalk. But this isn’t just a vanity project
Cosmology is at a tipping point – we may be on the verge of discovering new physics
Join NASA’s International Observe Moon Night In Perth
Tiny, compact galaxies are masters of disguise in the distant universe − searching for the secrets behind the Little Red Dots
New measurements reveal the enormous halos that shroud all galaxies in the universe
The sky’s the limit for new Port Macquarie Astronomy and Science Centre
How gravitational waves could help detect Star Trek-style warp drive spaceships
Scientists will study nearby galaxies to uncover galactic formation history and dark matter
Supercomputer Simulations Reveal the Nature of Turbulence in Black Hole Accretion Disks
Astronomers take alien search to thousands of galaxies, far, far away
New facilities at Joseph Banks Secondary College ‘out of this world’
New simulations shed light on stellar destruction by supermassive black holes
Supermoons are boring – here are 5 things in the sky worth your time
NASA just shut down a planetary defence mission that tracks asteroids. Now what?
Journey To Stars With Ryde Libraries
Nepean Hospital’s shining star, Sharon Verhoeven retires
Surprising Ring Sheds Light On Galaxy Formation
Australian researchers give weight to NASA neutron star study
Astronomers Amazed By Black Hole Discovery
Fresh Wind Blows From Historical Supernova