
Latest UNICEF News | Page 8

New United Nations report reveals inequality in geographical distribution of malnutrition in Latin America
UNICEF and Microsoft launch improved, scalable technology to protect vulnerable children and women amid rise
New mothers, infants and adolescents face challenges to healthy food and nutrition – research shows
On Data Protection and Privacy in COVID-19 Response
ASHA award for Dr Elissa Kennedy
VicHealth and UNICEF to boost child wellbeing in Victoria
Researchers help detect worrying trends in childhood growth
Milestone Moment: Mastercard’s Girls4Tech Reaches 1 Million Girls in 30 Countries
Gender inequalities accelerate during early adolescence, study finds
Early adolescence central to gender inequality in Asia-Pacific
International statement – End-to-end encryption and public safety
Milestone Moment: Girls4Tech Reaches 1 Million Girls in 30 Countries
One stillbirth occurs every 16 seconds, according to first ever joint UN estimates
Research explores strategies to improve nutrition in parts of Asia and Africa
COVID-19 pandemic: countries urged to take stronger action to stop spread of harmful information
Malnutrition in India more prevalent in wealthy households
Is open source architecture’s digital disruption?
Boost for global response to COVID-19 as economies worldwide formally sign up to COVAX facility
$27million investment in global vaccine facility
WHO and UNICEF recommit to accelerating health and well-being at all ages
New report ranks Australian children in bottom 10 for happiness, wellbeing and mental health
Research reveals pre-schoolers to be holistic city planners
Time to Prepare for COVID-19 Vaccine Transport is Now
COVID-19 could reverse decades of progress toward eliminating preventable child deaths, agencies warn
We are not all in this together, and that must change
Burnet welcomes Dr Julie Hennegan to Global Adolescent Health Working Group
Prime Minister responds to child wellbeing report
Australia steps up support to improve immunisation in Indo-Pacific
Global polio eradication initiative applauds WHO African region for wild polio-free certification
Australia’s young people Students learn more about earthquakes than bushfires, floods, survey finds
Australia delivers humanitarian supplies to Beirut
2 in 5 schools around world lacked basic handwashing facilities prior to COVID-19 pandemic – UNICEF, WHO
New COVID-19 Law Lab to provide vital legal information and support for global COVID-19 response
Yemen sees return to alarming levels of food insecurity
Two further appointments to Rugby World Cup 2027 Bid Advisory Board
China’s children left behind by climate change and urbanisation
World Vision announces Australia-first with charitable-giving fintech Goodworld and Mastercard
WHO and UNICEF warn of a decline in vaccinations during COVID-19
As more go hungry and malnutrition persists, achieving Zero Hunger by 2030 in doubt, UN report warns
New Zealand joins global facility for pre-purchase of COVID-19 Vaccine
Countries failing to prevent violence against children, agencies warn
Targeted interventions can improve future of world’s most vulnerable
McLennan signals serious Rugby World Cup 2027 bid intentions naming world-class Advisory Board
Heart Foundation named one of worlds most effective brands
Austrade regional market update on impact of COVID-19 10 June
COVID-19: Number of children living in household poverty to increase by 86 million
Countries failing to stop harmful marketing of breast-milk substitutes, warn WHO and UNICEF
At least 80 million children under one at risk of diseases such as diphtheria