
Latest UNSW Sydney News | Page 34

UNSW tops Australian universities in 2020 Nature Index
Australian Mental Health Prize 2020: Hidden threat from COVID-19 is long-term mental health issues
New findings suggest laws of nature not as constant as previously thought
New findings reveal universe is weirder than we thought
New Evaluation of Telephone Screening Test Increases Accessibility to Cognitive Assessment for Older Australians
UNSW secures two top five places in latest global impact rankings
Hungry galaxies grow fat on flesh of their neighbours
Value of play and creativity in isolation
Spatial distancing rules for health workers may be insufficient: review
Supporting children’s wellbeing during COVID-19
“People still want to see art, theatre and performance.”
Australian educators’ perspectives on children, digital technology, health and learning
UNSW installs first Magnetic Particle Imaging Facility in Australia
SeL4 developers create open source foundation to enable safer
Defending human right to quality education in a time of disruption
How to best quarantine yourself at home: 10 tips by virologists
Southampton unites with leading climate research universities to accelerate global action
First complete German shepherd DNA offers new tool to fight disease
Newly discovered memory process influences decision-making: neuroscience study
How to help your relatives stay connected online during COVID-19
UNSW researchers to boost public health response to COVID-19 in NSW
Covid-19: Survey shows support for vulnerable reaches new low
Report shows ACT community services already struggling before COVID-19 crisis
As impact of coronavirus grows, survey shows vital community services sinking with demand
New Rating Scale Developed to Quantify Cerebrovascular Damage
Success for UNSW researchers in Cancer Council funding round
Engineers crack 58-year-old puzzle on way to quantum breakthrough
UNSW hydrogen storage technology in world-first application of its kind
Natural contaminant threat to drinking water from groundwater
Progress towards single qubit quantum measurements
Benzene: solving a mystery in 126 dimensions
Solving a mystery in 126 dimensions
Trust, empathy and other underrated traits for successful leadership
Children’s cancer researcher awarded NSW Premier’s Woman of Year
UNSW steps up action on climate change
A new way to job share
Why do men die younger? It’s all in Y chromosome
UNSW researchers receive top honours from Australian Academy of Science
Scientists seize rare chance to watch faraway star system evolve
When going around in circles is way forward – changing conversation around ‘waste’
New index ranks Australian states and territories on social performance
UNSW academics say government response to Ice inquiry ‘disappointing’
Survey shows ACT community services and workers at risk from funding uncertainty
Survey shows community services and workers at risk from funding uncertainty
Humanising high density: Mars tested, Earth approved
Caves face new unknown after unprecedented bushfires
Alcohol too easy for minors to buy online
ARC Research Hub to reduce energy cost opens at UNSW Sydney