
Latest wage growth News | Page 6

ACTU welcomes new Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Dutton can change course on wages
Ferguson’s future debt can only mean more pain for Tasmanians
Out-of-touch, heartless Liberals vote down Cost of Living Taskforce
Post-election housing market outlook driven by 3 fundamentals
ACTU welcomes government prepared to take action on wages and secure work
Unemployment: More People Gave Up Looking for Work Than Got Job
Real wage cuts getting worse despite unemployment rate under Morrison
New poll shows voters turning on Morrison over wages
WPI: Worst Real Wage Decline This Century
Workers on track to lose $4000 in 2022, ABS figures confirm
Annual wage growth 2.4%: Australia
Morrison is missing on wage rises for one in four workers
Morrison offers personal rebrand to workers who have waited decade for pay rise
Higgins Polling Research Shows Landslide Support for Truth in Political Advertising Laws
Morrison, paid more than $550k, continues to oppose $1 per hour increase for workers
Australia should lock in full employment: new Grattan report
Wages Will Continue to Lag Without Targeted Wage-Boosting Measures: New Report
New survey shows women extremely dissatisfied with Morrison on key election issues
Inflation Good for Budget but Bad for Voters
Unions increase annual wage claim in response to cost of living increase
RBA projects real wage cuts until end of 2023
“heads must roll” says TWU as federal court upholds illegal outsourcing ruling, Qantas to pay compensation & penalties
Rate rise hits workers battling Morrison’s cost of living crisis
Decade of Coalition Government costs workers $10,000
ACTU welcomes action on gender pay gap
Wage Crisis Escalates: Real pay cuts 4 times bigger than projected in budget
Tassie’s economy on top for ninth quarter in row
ACTU steps up campaign on job insecurity and cost of living: calls on Morrison to release details of IR plan
Morrison refuses to clarify position on BOOT
Morrison ignores crisis facing workers
Longer greenfields agreements deliver certainty
Morrison’s Easter comments reveal plan to cut wages still on agenda
Unemployment figures will not address rampant insecure work, real wage cuts
ATO win tracker
Casual workers $350 worse off every week: new report
Election an opportunity to improve living standards for working people
Morrison cites “Importance of low-paid work”, doesn’t endorse pay rise in Annual Wage Review submission
Morrison sites “Importance of low-paid work”, doesn’t endorse pay rise in Annual Wage Review submission
Tackling housing affordability and low wages must be top priority in State Budget
AWU Criticises cynical Morrison Budget, calls for action on stagnant wages
CPA Australia responds to Opposition’s Budget Reply: Labor’s policy plan missing some key pieces
Government delivers income increases for over 1.4 million New Zealanders
ACTU calls for Annual Wage Review 5% increase
Response to 2022-23 Federal Budget
Morrison offers no solutions to stagnant wage growth, rising cost of living
Strong economy – stronger future
Morrison projects real wage cuts deepening this year