
Tree replacement to begin for Commercial Road freeway entrance improvement

As part of the Future Morwell project, Latrobe City Council committed to improving the aesthetic of the freeway entrance at Commercial Road. This work will begin in coming weeks with the removal and replacement of trees and shrubs at the eastern section of the off-ramp. The $350,000 project funded by Regional Development Victoria, being delivered by Latrobe City Council, will also see a large sculpture erected near the freeway as well as improved landscaping on the off-ramp and in Commercial Road.

Latrobe City Council Mayor, Cr Dan Clancey, said the overall effect of the beautification project is another step toward becoming the best regional city in Victoria. The beautification would instil community pride, making the entrance more appealing to locals and visitors alike.

“Although we are removing 80 shrubs and trees, we will be planting replacement trees. The trees that are being removed presented structural issues and declining health during recent inspections and others are weed species such as box and pussy willow. Once the removals have been completed, new ornamental trees such as scarlet oak and red oak will be planted. It will give the area a completely new look, one which is very inviting.

“Additionally, the new plantings will meet the VicRoads requirement of a 15 metre setback,” Cr Clancey said.

Latrobe City Council’s tree crew will also be removing nine plane trees located along Commercial Road from the Jane Street Bridge to the Morwell Bridge.

“These trees will be removed over coming weeks as they have structural issues or are not healthy due to either site conditions or damage. Their appearance diminishes this important entrance to Morwell. There are 25 trees in the avenue and mature trees will be planted as a replacement. We are able to plan for a more vigorous and sustained growth, using larger holes and soil conditioner.

“New colourful trees, hard landscaping at the freeway ramp, matched with the soft landscaping on Commercial Road, will flow together to shift the perception of arriving in Morwell, to one which is bright and vital,” Cr Clancey said.

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