Imagery and symbolism add meaning and richness to our lives. Religions have been using them for thousands of years to describe things out of this world. Three recent activities reminded me just how important imagery and symbolism is.
The Maryborough Zonta 16 Days of Activism commenced once again in beautiful Phillips Gardens at the garden bed planted out in orange with such care by Council’s Outdoor team, in the shape of an R for respect. That magical ceremony was followed by a walk led by Ellie the Elephant symbolising the elephant in room – the historical, recognised but unspoken gender based violence, which must become unthinkable in the future. Really powerful images of a culture we will change for ever.
Last week I joined with 12 other mayors in Clunes, to celebrate the progress of our Bid for World Heritage listing of the central Victorian Goldfields. We were asked to wear mayoral regalia. Wearing Council’s Mayoral emblem with the single word “Havilah” on it, I was deeply reminded how that word conveying the aspiration, excitement and prosperity of the gold rush in 1857, will also be our key to future prosperity which World Heritage Listing offers.
Council decided after such a challenging year, it was important we find the funding for a much needed refresh and update of our Christmas decorations around the Shire. The decorations so meaningfully symbolise cheer, happiness, celebration and joy. It has been a delight for Councillors and staff to see that so widely appreciated and enjoyed.