
Turbocharging Territory Business Events – Long-Term Business Events Strategy Released

The Territory Labor Government has released itsfirst Long-term Business Events Strategy. The Strategy, which will guide thegrowth of the NT business events sector for the next 10 years and beyond, ispart of Turbocharging Tourism.

The Strategy includes an analysis of thesectors present position, a vision of where business events in the NT could bepositioned by 2030, and pathways to realise potential growth.

It also includes identified impediments togrowth, consideration of the differences between Territory business eventdestinations, and input from national industry bodies and local industrypartners and stakeholders.

Strengths recognised through stakeholderconsultation included the increased budget for business events provided by TurbochargingTourism and TURBO2, and the Territorys unique cultural experiences.

High-level identified opportunities include marketingthe NT as a destination for pre and post touring, attracting more businessevents in the shoulder months and increasing the number of familiarisationtrips to encourage business event planners to experience the NT for themselves.Targeting business events related to the growth and developing sectorsidentified via the Northern Territory Governments Economic DevelopmentFramework is also seen as important.

The aim of the Strategy is that by 2030, business events will be delivering $68million in delegate expenditure to the Territory economy.

The Strategy will be released in Darwin today.Bookings for seminars in Alice Springs and Uluru are still open:

Alice Springs Convention Centre

10.30am 11.30am, Wednesday 17 July 2019

Book now:

Uluru Meeting Place, Uluru

3.15pm 4.15pm, Wednesday 31 July 2019

Book now:

As stated by Minister for Tourism, Sport andCulture, Lauren Moss:

The Territory Labor Government recognises theimportance of the business events market to the Territory economy, and isinvesting $2.33 million in the sector through Turbocharging Tourism and$7 million through TURBO2.

Our NT Business Events Support Fund, which ispart of Turbocharging Tourism, has so far attracted 45 business eventsand conferences to the NT, which will bring 13,725 delegates and inject $32million in estimateddelegate expenditure intoour economy.

Business events deliver significant benefits bysupporting local tourism, retail and hospitality jobs, and by boosting oureconomy.

On average, business events travellers spendmore than other types of visitors, so more business events travellers to the NTmeans more money in the pockets of Territorians.

A business event attracting 500 delegates thattakes place in the Territory injects more than $1 million in estimated delegateexpenditure into our economy, so we will continue to invest in this as an areaof economic growth.

TheLong-Term Business Events Strategy will enable us to work with key industrystakeholders to focus on identified growth areas and opportunities to secureeven more business events for the NT.

As stated by Peter Savoff, General Manager,Darwin Convention Centre:

Business events are an important industrysector. The benefits they deliver go beyond hotel rooms and patrons at restaurants.Business events leave legacies long after the conference is finished, includingupskilling the local industry, developing new opportunities in the region andenhancing a destinations reputation as a knowledge-based city, to name just afew.

We are excited about the new opportunities theNorthern Territory Long-term Business Events Strategy will bring, especially ingrowing our international reputation as a business events destination andcontinuing to attract more major national conferences.

As stated by Craig Jervis, Chief OperatingOfficer, Lasseters:

The businessevents sector provides significant economic and strategic value to CentralAustralia and the continued support of the Northern Territory Governmentand Tourism NTs Northern Territory Convention Bureau is pivotal in attractingand securing business events for Alice Springs.

Business events showcase the Outback as anaccessible and iconic destination encouraging repeat visitation andgenerating positive destination media.

Government and private investment in attractingbusiness events are imperative to our community and the Alice Springseconomy.

As stated by Peter Graham, Director of Sales,Voyages Indigenous Tourism:

We welcome the release of the NorthernTerritorys Long-term Business Events Strategy. A successful Business Eventssector represents significant economic opportunities for the Territory, and thecompilation of a 10-year, NT-specific strategy should provide the framework fora profitable and sustainable future.

/Public Release. View in full .