Contribution to the G7 Research Group magazine
for the Hiroshima G7 Summit, 19-21 May 2023
To analyse what has happened to our world in recent years is a sobering task:
A multiplication of conflicts, from Syria to the Sahel, that are exposing increasing numbers of civilians to lasting, and even lethal, harm;
War in Europe – a war that is not only murderous and destructive, but also exports misery throughout the world;
The advance of climate change and environmental damage, which rob people and our planet of health, resources and the capacity to fulfill their potential;
The COVID-19 pandemic, which not only exposed but also deepened vulnerabilities in every economy and society, drawing attention to gaping inequalities;
Profoundly harmful pushbacks on the equal rights of women and many others, together with an explosion of online hate speech, particularly directed at women and members of racial and other minorities;
Harsh restrictions on the fundamental freedoms of expression, opinion and assembly, amid increasing crackdowns on the civic space in every region of the world.
These are painfully clear lessons in how connected we are — and how connected our human rights are.
Crises, as they spread in different regions and different domains, cascade and crash into each other, creating even more devastating and more far-reaching harms.
Seventy-five years ago, States drew some vital lessons from one such mega-crisis. The years from 1914 to 1945 had brought the world the most devastating warfare, genocide, devastation and economic pain that humanity has ever known.
In 1948, governments from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East adopted a manual for the prevention of conflict and misery.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights draws from every culture and tradition, and expresses the core truth of humanity’s unity.
It shows us the way towards enduring peace, shared prosperity and justice, amid respect for our differences.
Seventy-five years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, we need to rekindle its spirit and its commitments.
The right to life, liberty and security of person. The right to education, health, food, shelter, clothing and social protections. Freedom from any form of discrimination, whether based on sex, race, belief, sexual orientation or any other factor. Freedom of expression and the right to privacy. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Freedom from torture, and from unlawful or arbitrary arrest or detention. The right to a fair trial. The right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
These and other fundamental rights and freedoms are the elements that build resilient and confident societies. Societies which are able to withstand and surmount threats, peacefully resolve disputes, and facilitate sustained progress in prosperity and well-being for all their members.
This is the way to rebuild trust.
Trust between States: that they will act in line with the international laws and agreements which they themselves have drafted, and jointly work to advance the common good.
Trust between people and their Governments, which have promised to represent and serve them.
Trust and respect between communities.
Human rights are universal. And they are also indivisible. The old distinctions between civil and political rights, on the one hand, and economic, social and cultural rights on the other is an artefact of the Cold War that has no relevance in reality. All human rights need to advance together, on the same footing, so that they can reinforce each other.
The pandemic demonstrated very clearly the essential nature of the rights to decent healthcare; to social protections; to clean water and sanitation; to decent work. They not only fundamental to human dignity – they are essential to every country’s sustainable development and political stability.
Failure to uphold these rights, and to address inequalities, can have devastating consequences for people, first and foremost – but we also know that they will also fuel mistrust in State institutions; social unrest; violence; and even conflict.
Freedom from fear and freedom from want are equally valuable and equally necessary.
And it is time to grasp that no matter how powerful, economic growth on its own will not redress structural injustices or deliver people’s fundamental rights.
We need to dismantle the architecture of inequalities, and advance a sound recovery, by building economies that promote people’s rights and well-being.
A human rights economy seeks to redress root causes and structural barriers to equality, justice, and sustainability, by prioritizing investment in economic, social and cultural rights.
It delivers maximum social protection, and quality education and healthcare for all.
Access to justice and rule of law.
Effective climate and environmental action.
Fundamental freedoms, and the broadest possible civic space.
It ensures that business models and economic policies are guided by human rights standards.
It enables an integrated and mission-oriented combination of socio-economic policies that advance each and every SDG goal and target, including in particular by ending discrimination against women and girls, as well as racial, ethnic and linguistic minorities. Because this is just; and because such discrimination causes massive society-wide and generational harm.
It emphasises redistributive fiscal policies, and efforts to put an end to corruption and illicit financial flows – which we know siphon money away from public spending.
It also includes support for participative, inclusive, transparent and accountable budget processes that allow the public and civil society to “follow the money” – bolstering trust in government, and ensuring that policies will be more effective and advance people’s rights.
Justice, human rights and our planet need to be, unequivocally, at the centre of national and global economies and policies.
To support countries and societies to build human rights enhancing economies, my Office is strengthening our efforts to provide technical support on economic, social and cultural rights and to mainstream human rights standards, principles and policies across every action by governments and by the United Nations system.
Because human rights are not just the job of my Office, and not just the job of the United Nations. They are your job – the job of the leaders of the G7 and every other state.