Clarence Valley Council is calling for feedback on its and .
Both documents have been placed on public exhibition having been endorsed by councillors at the .
Extensive community consultation has been involved in the development of both draft documents.
“As emphasised by our , we strive to create a safe and inviting community with opportunities to connect and belong where healthy lifestyles are encouraged and supported with accessible infrastructure for residents of all ages and abilities,” Director Corporate and Community Alex Moar said.
“The DIAP and Crime Prevention Strategy are both important roadmaps that guide the actions of Council to help achieve this.”
Council is required to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act, to be reviewed every four years and reported annually to the Disability Council of NSW. It outlines the steps Council will take to create a more inclusive and accessible community and workplace.
Guided by the , actions in the whole of Council plan have been developed following internal and external consultation with people with disability, their families, carers, friends, disability service providers, community groups and other engaged and interested community members.
“The community have really participated in this,” Cr Karen Toms, who is chair of the Access Advisory Committee said.
“Congratulations to all the staff involved, community members who participated and the members of our Access committee. it’s a wonderful document, and I’m so pleased to see it out on exhibition.”
The DIAP is categorised under the following key areas:
- Positive Community Attitudes and Behaviours
- Creating Liveable Communities
- Supporting Access to Meaningful Employment
- Improving Access to Systems
To view the Disability Inclusion Action Plan visit:
Submissions close 4pm Monday, 25 September.
The Crime Prevention Strategy has been developed in consultation with Coffs/Clarence Police District, and recognises the role communities, government, business and service providers play in preventing crime.
Well planned interventions can prevent crime and victimisation, promote community safety and make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of vibrant communities.
Comprehensive detail for the development of actions have been provided in response to the following crimes that have experienced an upward trend in the Clarence Valley over the past 24 months according to NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) data:
- Motor vehicle theft
- Steal from vehicle
- Domestic violence related assault
A survey conducted in early 2023 received 310 responses and community concerns identified were consistent with these three priority crime areas.
“I’d like to thank the many, many, many people within our community who responded to the request to submit feedback and let Council what changes could make the Clarence Valley a safer place,” Cr Steve Pickering said.
“I recommend anyone in the community that has any interest in crime prevention in their local area to have a look at it and also to make a submission.”
To view the draft Crime Prevention Strategy please visit:
Submissions close 4pm Monday, 25 September.
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