The Council of Trade Unions Te Kauae Kaimahi (CTU) ismourning the passing of its inaugural Kuia, Whaea Kāterina Daniels, whohas died, in Rotorua.
Whaea Kāterina, (Te Arawa, NgātiTūwharetoa) was active for many decades in the Tertiary EducationUnion Te Hautū Kahurangi (TEU) and in particular oneof its predecessor unions, the Association of Staff in TertiaryEducation Te Hau Takitini (ASTE), serving as Kuia of ASTEsince the 1980s and then TEU from the amalgamation with AUS in 2009. Shehad been a te reo Māori teacher for many years in both community and academicsettings and worked at a number of polytechnics in New Zealand.
The CTU established the position of Kuia atits 2013 conference and Whaea Kāterina was selected for this and she carriedout the role, alongside CTU Kaumātua Kiwhare Mihaka, until she retiredfrom both the TEU and CTU roles in 2019.
Syd Keepa, CTU Vice-President Māori, said:
“Whaea Kā was always there for us. If weever needed advice we’d go and see her. Her and Kiwhare worked welltogether. She was very committed to the kaupapa of Māoriunionism, and very supportive of the developing of relationships betweenunions and iwi across Aotearoa. She will be missed – Moe mai rā e terangatira,” he said.
A tribute to Whaea Kāterina from the TertiaryEducation Union, when she retired last year from her role there, is availablehere .