The unending Israel – Palestine war
How did it come to this and what is to be done?
7 – 8.30pm, Thursday 26th October 2023
Auditorium at NECOM aka Old Teachers’ College
Mossman St, Armidale
Prof Howard Brasted, Professor Emeritus of History and Islamic Studies UNE – The roots of the Israel, Palestine & Hamas conflict to date
Dr Karin von Strokirch, Adjunct Senior Lecturer in International Relations UNE – The war’s implications for regional and global security
Prof Graham Maddox, Professor Emeritus of Politics UNE – US politics and the influence of the religious right
Prof Helen Ware, Professor of Peace Studies UNE and former diplomat – Human rights, refugees & restoring the peace
Dr Tim Battin, Honorary Associate with the Australia Institute – Explaining the Australian political response
Robert Jackson, New England Conservatorium of Music cellist and teacher – plays Pablo (Pau) Casals’ lament for peace – Song of the Birds.
Collection for Médecins Sans Frontières to tend to war victims. Bring cash for MSF!
Open floor for discussion, question and answer session with the audience.
The panel speakers:
- shed light on causes of the 75 year conflict & its recent tragic escalation
- do not take a partisan approach to key players in the conflict
- abhor war crimes and the abuse of human rights on both sides
- advocate for humanitarian, peaceful, diplomatic solutions
- support free, respectful, & informed public debate in Australia
- express sympathy for, and solidarity with, the hapless civilian victims