– City of Ballarat Director of Infrastructure and Environment Terry Demeo
What are the specific tree species being planted?
A mix of different native and exotic trees.
What is the planned timeline for the planting of the 400 trees?
The tree planting program starts next week and, with the adoption of the 2019/20 Budget and confirmation of available monies, we will extend what was envisaged in our program this year to accommodate that additional money so it will now finish in October.
What is the next planned action from the Urban Forest Action Plan and the timeline for that action?
There will be consultation around specific neighbourhoods to ensure clear ownership associated with the tree planting will be part of the implementation program.
Does City of Ballarat have planning requirements in place to ensure adequate tree coverage in new property development areas?
The recently adopted Urban Forest Action Plan sets an ambitious long-term program to further strengthen controls and to be proactive and positive in getting more trees in our streets, and ultimately more liveable neighbourhoods for all – particularly seeing improvements in areas more vulnerable to heat, and where residents gain the greatest benefit.
Ballarat has a range of planning requirements in place to both protect the vegetation and trees we currently have, and to plan for the future with new plantings.
The City of Ballarat continues to strengthen the planning controls to ensure the community are getting the right trees, in the right areas. We continue to review processes in order to seek better urban forest outcomes.
As an example, the recently adopted Ballarat East Local Area Plan introduces for the first time specific requirements around providing for large canopy trees in new developments, which will have a very positive environmental impact and influence better design outcomes in keeping with the area’s local character and identity.
There remain challenges with the competition for space between underground services (eg water, NBN, gas, electricity) and the space required for street trees.
Does City of Ballarat have a plan for the number of trees to be planted this next financial year? Can you also provide the number of trees that are planned to be removed?
There will be 400 trees planted during the 2019/20 year. Removals are based on assessments which take place on a year round basis and are explicitly in respect to tree health and/or danger, with Council generally committed to maintaining all trees for their useful life.