A reveals urgent action is needed to protect prison workers.
The report shows that Tasmania has had the highest rate of prisoner-on-officer assaults in the country – with one assault per 30 inmates.
Shadow Minister for Corrections, Ella Haddad, said the Liberals appalling prison mismanagement has pushed the prison system to breaking point.
“Conditions for both inmates and staff at Risdon prison are disgraceful and getting worse,” Ms Haddad said.
“Tasmania has the highest rate of prisoner-on-officer assaults in the country – which is more than 50 per cent above any other state.
“This is new data but the same story that we’ve heard from prison workers for months and it’s time the Government acted.
“In the past few weeks we’ve seen correctional officers pass a motion of no confidence in the outgoing Premier and Elise Archer, and implement work bans in an attempt to get the government to listen.
“The Liberals have failed to increase workers and resources despite the number of inmates growing – it’s simply not fair that Liberals continue to ignore desperate pleas from prison workers for help.
“By failing to act on the dire conditions at Risdon prison the Liberals are continuing to put both inmates and correctional officers’ health and safety at risk.
“The government likes to talk tough on crime, but they simply aren’t doing enough to provide appropriate resources to ensure we have a functioning prison system, and one in which government upholds its duty of cares to its employees.”
Ella Haddad MP
Shadow Minister for Corrections