Veterinarians for Climate Action chair Dr Jeannet Kessels has today congratulated the Australian Veterinary Association for its new policy on climate change and animal health, including welfare, production and biosecurity.
“VfCA represents over 1500 members, mostly veterinary and animal care professionals, from across Australia,” she said.
“We work to communicate the urgency of climate change and its effects on pets, livestock and wildlife. We act as a voice for the animals we all love and need, who cannot speak for themselves. We welcome the new AVA policy on climate change.”
The new AVA policy promotes sustainable practices to mitigate the emission of human-generated atmospheric greenhouse gasses. These include changes across many sectors, including veterinarians developing and promoting environmentally smart practices to reduce the effects of climate change and climate extremes on animals — including pets, livestock and wildlife.
Dr Ron Glanville, convenor of the Former Chief Veterinary Officers (fCVOs) Group, also congratulated the AVA, saying: “The AVA has developed a sound new science-based policy on climate change and is advocating that vets adopt and promote sustainable practices that will achieve carbon neutrality by 2030”.