
Visit Perth Online

The City of Perth is working behind the scenes to develop alternative ways we can build a positive connection with our community and celebrate what makes Perth a vibrant, connected and progressive place to be.

Soon, residents across the state will be encouraged to explore a new platform of meaningful online experiences, entitled Visit Perth Online.

A virtual arts and culture scene in the form of online exhibitions, podcasts, documentaries, story maps, 3D walk-throughs, image galleries, interviews and blogs, Visit Perth Online aims to showcase

Perth’s unique cultural identity, provide positive impacts on community wellbeing, stimulate creativity and build a sense of belonging.

To help us create this platform, we are calling on creatives to submit meaningful online experiences within two categories, Minor Activations and Major Immersive Experiences.

There will be three stages of content delivery across our various platforms from early May until early August 2020 and into the future as we rebound from the effects of COVID-19.

To apply for either of the two categories, you must be a Perth-based creative/creative organisation, adhere to State Government laws and recommendations surrounding COVID-19 and have a registered ABN.

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