The State Government has today released the WA Sandalwood Taskforce report for a four-week public consultation period.
The WA Sandalwood Taskforce was established by the McGowan Government in late 2019 to explore opportunities for Aboriginal economic development in the WA sandalwood industry.
The WA Sandalwood Taskforce included representatives from a number of State Government agencies and from Aboriginal groups and businesses with an interest in the wild sandalwood industry.
The report produced by the WA Sandalwood Taskforce outlines eight recommendations to Government that will support increased economic opportunities for Aboriginal communities using Western Australia’s wild sandalwood resource.
The report can be found and public comment can be made by visiting
As stated by Forestry Minister Dave Kelly:
“WA has one of the world’s largest wild resources of sandalwood which is highly sought after for the oils contained in the heartwood.
“A significant portion of the State’s wild sandalwood resources are found on land that falls under native title.
“We are committed to implementing actions that will support Aboriginal economic development and greater Aboriginal involvement in the native sandalwood industry.”
As stated by Environment Minister Stephen Dawson:
“Our sustainably managed wild sandalwood resource provides opportunities for Aboriginal people to create and grow businesses and to work on country.
“The report provides recommendations to drive Aboriginal involvement in the industry without impacting the long-term sustainability of this outstanding natural resource.
“I encourage anyone with an interest in the sandalwood industry to provide comment during the four-week consultation period.”
As stated by Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan:
“Dutjahn Sandalwood Oils is an example of a regionally based Western Australian business with significant Aboriginal ownership that is making an impact on the world stage.
“The company, which distils sandalwood oil at its Kalgoorlie facility, exports sandalwood oil to global perfume houses and was last year awarded a prestigious United Nations Equator Prize.”
Forestry Minister’s office – 6552 6100