The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) board of directors will meet with Western Australian (WA) industry, researchers and government to discuss key issues in Perth 11-12 June 2019.
The FRDC Chair, the Hon. Ron Boswell, said “FRDC considers it essential that the board meet in regional areas with industry members and the people doing the research”.
“Over the past five years the FRDC has invested over $10 million dollars into fisheries research and development projects that underpin fishing and aquaculture in WA”.
FRDC Managing Director, Dr Patrick Hone, said “the Board placed a strong emphasis on engaging with stakeholders. We want to hear first-hand about issues they face – such as climate variability, whale interactions, and changes to trade and export regulations.
“Western Australia is a major player in Australia’s seafood production. In 2017–18, the gross value of WA fishery production was $633 million. Big contributors in WA were Western Rock Lobster, prawns, pearls and scallops, and while some are focused on domestic markets, others export to the world. All rely on good RD&E to ensure their ongoing sustainability”.
During the visit to WA the board will meet with stakeholders and undertake site visits with a number of key sectors including:
· The Hon Dave Kelly MLA, Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development
· Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC)
· WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
· Geraldton Fisherman’s Cooperative (GFC)
· Fremantle Octopus
· Western Rock Lobster Council (WRLC)
· Recfishwest
· Indigenous fishers
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