The final Monthly Mug was played on Sunday November 28 in conjunction with the Captain vs Vice-Captain Challenge.
Captain Shark had his players primed with a complimentary shot of port prior to tee-off. Vice-Captain John McDonald approached the game in a more traditional manner giving his team a quiet pep-talk. For the second week of competition golf in a row, Captain Shark couldn’t get his calculator to give the figures in his team’s favour. John McDonald’s team had a slender win, with 585 points to 580 points.
In the daily competition there was a three-way countback to decide the winner. Steve Power had a firm grip on the mug until a double bogie on the very last hole cost him all chances of winning the countback.
Lenny Turner, who played as a swinger for both teams, also joined in the countback but he too was unsuccessful. The winner, taking the last spot in next week’s Dave and Jenny Coulton sponsored Mug-of-the-Year playoff, was the 2021 Club Champion, Rod Ireland.
The ball run-down went to Richard Gray and Clem Gordon (70), Kim Cleal, Gordon Cleal and Don Stevenson (71), and Wade Turner picked up the last ball with 72 on a countback from President Matt.
There were no nearest-the-pins put out on the day, so the decision was made to have four mystery draws. These went to Lionel Cleal, Josh Layton, Vice-Captain Macca and Joel Daley.
Next Sunday, December 5, is the Mug-of-the-Year playoff, with the Mug Winners teeing-off before the field, who will be playing an Individual Stroke. The Warialda Men’s Golf AGM will be held at 10:00am on Sunday 12 December. This will be followed by the 4-man Countdown Christmas Special with a shot-gun start, sponsored by Warialda Men’s Vets Golf.
This week’s reason for NOT getting out on the golf course:
‘Thomas’s wife asked why he wasn’t going to golf. Thomas said “I usually play with Dave but would you like to play with someone who miscounts, moves his ball when you aren’t looking and also dodges the shout?” His wife said “No of course not!” Thomas replied: “Neither does Dave.”
Contributed by Thomas Kilner