Last year we worked with foreshore committees of management to remove derelict and unauthorised watercraft from our foreshore. So far, we’ve completed works in Rye, Blairgowrie and Sorrento resulting in the removal of more than 200 kayaks, dinghies and other vessels illegally stored on Crown land. This year, we’re moving onto Portsea. If you have a watercraft stored along the foreshore, now is the time to remove it and take it home. If you have a Parks Victoria mooring with a tender, the tender must be registered with the Shire to avoid removal.
Why are we doing this work?
The removal of unauthorised watercraft is an important step to ensure healthier and more resilient foreshore and dune systems around the Shire.
While everyone knows dumping a personal watercraft, like a kayak, dinghy or yacht, at the foreshore is not the right thing to do, we unfortunately see it happen all the time.
As part of the Community Amenity Local Law 2022, no-one is allowed to place, store or leave anything on Council land unless permitted or authorised to do so.
Unauthorised watercraft dumped or left on our foreshores is illegal, it’s unsightly, potentially dangerous, restricts public access to the foreshore and is degrading to the environment.
Some of the watercraft have been stored there for many years, resulting in trampled dune systems, as well as buried and abandoned boats and equipment.
A foreshore free of dumped community members’ belongings – big or small – is a safer place for people and animals.
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Quotes attributable to Nepean Ward Councillor Susan Bissinger:
“This issue of watercraft on the foreshore in Nepean Ward is something that is raised every year by our community and visitors and was identified as a key concern during community consultation for the Portsea Coastal and Marine Management Plan. We’re looking forward to working with the community to ensure our foreshores are beautiful, accessible, safe and with no loss of amenity.”
Quotes attributable to Nepean Ward Councillor Sarah Race:
“The Watercraft Removal Program is an important program for our foreshores and will result in stronger, healthier and more resilient foreshore and dune systems.”