Charity sector leaders will discuss a recently launched report by Centre for Social Impact and Social Ventures Australia which forecasts that more than 200,000 jobs in the charity sector could be lost as a result of the COVID-19 crisis if financial supports, such as JobKeeper and lease and loan deferrals, come to an end in October.
The Will Australian charities be COVID-19 casualties or partners in recovery? A financial health check report models the potential impact on the financial health of Australia’s 16,000 registered charities with employees (excluding those run purely by volunteers) to better understand the effects and identify systemic solutions.
Report authors Professor Kristy Muir from the Centre for Social Impact and Suzie Riddell from Social Ventures Australia will present a webinar to discuss how Australia’s charities strengthen the fabric and functioning of Australia’s society and economy with wide-spread benefits to education, health care, sports and recreation, aged care, religion, arts and culture, animal protection, and environmental protection.
They will discuss why we need to support charities to support the community and accelerate our collective recovery – discussing how weakened charities will be forced to cut jobs and services and compound the collective challenges we face.
The Centre for Social Impact (CSI) is a national research and education centre dedicated to catalysing social change for a better world. CSI is built on the foundation of three of Australia’s leading universities: UNSW Sydney, The University of Western Australia, and Swinburne University of Technology. Our research develops and brings together knowledge to understand current social challenges and opportunities; our postgraduate and undergraduate education develops social impact leaders; and we aim to catalyse change by drawing on these foundations and translating knowledge, creating leaders, developing usable resources, and reaching across traditional divides to facilitate collaborations.