At a meeting of the BMP Alliance on Thursday 20th June 2019 the joint owners of Grazing and Grains BMP – AgForce, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), the Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) and Morgan Rural Tech (MRT) – decided that the Alliance in its current form will cease to operate.
With the financial support of the Federal and Queensland Governments, more than 3000 growers and graziers have interacted with the BMP programs over the past ten years. Many of the projects that used the BMP tools have resulted in practice change and increased awareness from farmers and graziers across the state.
The original funders and developers would be proud of the BMP’s achievements as it grew and developed for over a decade. There have been many passionate and dedicated people involved in the programs, including the behind the scenes technical work of Morgan Rural Tech.
Whilst the BMP Alliance is ending, the partners are moving forward in their work individually. DAF will continue delivering extension services to grain growers and graziers aligned to government priorities and industry needs, FBA will engage with partners and funders for NRM outcomes in the Fitzroy catchment, and AgForce will resource its Natural Capital program.
Importantly, the partners have not ruled out future collaboration as new programs emerge.
The details of how the BMP Alliance winds up are currently being determined – including the use of the BMP tools; use of brands; pathways for accredited producers. the return of audit documents; and other use of Intellectual Property by organisations and producers.
The Alliance would like to thank all delivery agents, graziers and grain growers that have been on this journey with us as we look forward to a new chapter.