
Winners of ATO’s 2022 Tax, Super + You competition announced!

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have just announced the winners of its 2022 Tax, Super + You competition.

The competition aims to inspire high school students to get creative and learn about tax and superannuation. Students also have a chance to win some great prizes for themselves and their school.

This year students submitted entries from across Australia, with 7 entries shortlisted in each category. The judging panel, which included ATO senior leaders and ABC News Breakfast finance presenter Madeleine Morris, then had the challenging task of selecting the winners.

ATO Deputy Commissioner Hoa Wood said, “It was so wonderful to see the enthusiasm and creativity in this year’s entries. The entries were all so entertaining and full of great information that highlighted the value of tax and super. The students have all done an incredible job!”.

You can watch Hoa announcing this year’s winners on .

In the junior category, the winners creatively explored how tax and super impacts them in their daily lives. They used song, Lego stop motion, ‘hard hitting’ interviews and a coded simulation that showed how tax and happiness are related.

The senior category covered top tips for those starting a new job. The winners served up some creative filmmaking, strong acting, a choose your own adventure, animation and a piece aimed at helping immigrants.

After much deliberation and more than 2,700 People’s Choice Award votes, we congratulate our 2022 winners:

Junior category

1st prize – Anna Obaid, Harriet Hahn and Emma Sullivan (NSW)

2nd prize – Lucas Wang (NSW)

3rd prize – Vishesh Manik (VIC)

People’s Choice Award – Lucas Wang (NSW)

Senior category

1st prize – Sarah Bosboom (SA)

2nd prize – Savannah Kesby and Carissa Petrou (NSW)

3rd prize – Nahide Sinik, Zainab Ali and Jana Babaa (SA)

People’s Choice Award – Savannah Kesby and Carissa Petrou (NSW)

You can find out more about the competition and view all the winning entries at

/Media Release. View in full .