
Workforce Australia Committee seeking submissions on ParentsNext

House of Representatives

The is calling for submissions on the ParentsNext program as the first major component of its inquiry into employment services in Australia.

The Committee will examine the role of ParentsNext in providing early intervention to disadvantaged parents, in line with a request from the Minister from Employment and Workplace Relations, the Hon Tony Burke MP.

Committee Chair, , said ‘This will not be a fairy floss review. The Committee has been tasked with a first principles review of Australia’s employment services system. ParentsNext, a pre-employment program to prepare parents and carers for employment before their youngest child begins school, is the initial focus.

‘Let’s not beat around the bush. ParentsNext has become highly controversial. Strong supporters claim it helps many single parents, while many equally strongly argue it must be scrapped as it harms people.

‘The Committee approaches this task with an open mind, and will examine evidence presented and consider how the program invests in building work readiness of its participants. We are interested in hearing what aspects work, how it can help someone to get a secure job, and what action may be needed given concerns expressed by participants and stakeholders.’

‘Many of the issues we are exploring in relation to Workforce Australia may also apply to ParentsNext.’

The Committee is seeking written submissions from individuals and organisations by 30 November 2022. The Committee is particularly interested in ParentsNext’s:

  • policy objectives;
  • eligibility and compulsory participation requirements;
  • impact on women’s economic equality and workforce participation;
  • efficacy in addressing structural and cultural barriers to accessing family support, education and employment; and
  • funding and service delivery arrangements.

Submissions should ideally be no more than ten (10) pages, and should provide views and recommendations in relation to the ParentsNext program.

The Committee has undertaken to make any recommendations in relation to ParentsNext by the end of February 2023, as part of an interim report.

The Committee will separately call for submissions on Workforce Australia and the employment services system more broadly in the coming weeks, and will publish guidance material to assist submitters.

/Public Release.