- Construction will commence in the coming weeks for safety improvements on a 1.5-kilometre section of Samford Road between Lomandra Access Road picnic area, Ferny Hills, and Camp Mountain Road intersection, Camp Mountain.
- The $13.98 million project is funded by the Queensland Government’s Targeted Road Safety Program, which aims to address known and potential crash locations using high-benefit, cost-effective safety treatments.
- The project includes road resurfacing, installing additional guardrails, road shoulder widening and wide centre line treatment, drainage improvements and green infrastructure.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will deliver on important safety upgrades on a 1.5-kilometre section of Samford Road, after several head-on and run-off-road crashes at this location.
This section of Samford Road was identified by TMR for safety improvements due to its high crash rate, which includes over 10 serious injury crashes and one fatality in the last five years of available crash data.
Following release of the project’s preliminary design in early-2021, and in response to community sentiment about the proposed removal of the 750-metre westbound overtaking lane, TMR has undertaken extensive design reviews to produce a final design that retains the overtaking lane while still improving the existing level of safety at this location.
The project includes road resurfacing, installing additional guardrail, road shoulder widening and wide centre line treatment, drainage improvements, green infrastructure to improve fauna safety, and improvements at the Camp Mountain Road intersection, including concrete islands and lighting.
Vegetation clearing will be required in the road reserve to accommodate road widening and to ensure a safe roadside environment.
Construction is expected to commence in early-March 2024 and be complete by early-2025, weather and construction conditions permitting.
Prior to commencement, a site office will be established at the future Powerlink substation site near Samford Road off Baden Lane, approximately 900 metres from the eastern end of the project location.
Most project works will be undertaken during the day from Monday to Friday between 6am and 6pm, with some weekend and night work as required. Motorists may experience delays due to reduced speed limits and intermittent single-lane closures as required.
The $13.98 million project is funded by the Queensland Government’s Targeted Road Safety Program, which aims to address known and potential crash locations using high-benefit, cost-effective safety treatments.
This marks a significant milestone on the project, which sees an additional $5.86 million in funding secured for the project from within TMR’s budget, totalling $13.98 million, to ensure these safety improvements are delivered for the community.
As part of the Queensland Government’s $4.5 million commitment to support Moreton Bay City Council’s Green Infrastructure Network Delivery Program, TMR will also deliver fauna protection measures on Samford Road as part of this project.