The following is a statement from Shannon Adams, chair of the Board of World Vision Australia:
The Board and Leadership Team of World Vision Australia welcome the findings of an independent and thorough investigation by the forensic arm of KPMG.
The KPMG investigation followed allegations reported in March by a media outlet, relating to a contract World Vision Australia entered into in 2013 for printing and mail-house services.
While the KPMG investigation focussed on the procurement of printing and mail-house services, we have also reviewed our procurement policies and practices more generally.
World Vision’s mission is to improve the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children, their families, and their communities. We are deeply grateful to our donors, who are partners with us in this important work, and we are committed to ensuring that the funds they entrust us with are applied prudently and effectively.
Importantly, the KPMG investigation found no evidence of donor money, including Government funds, being misused.
As communicated earlier this year, World Vision Australia reported the matter to Victoria Police when the allegations were first brought to the organisation’s attention. While the findings have resulted in a further communication with Victoria Police for their consideration, this relates to individuals who are not employees of World Vision Australia.
The KPMG investigation identified instances where World Vision Australia’s procurement processes and policies were not satisfactorily followed. As a result of a parallel internal review, World Vision Australia has strengthened a number of our procurement policies and processes. Where procurement processes and policies at World Vision Australia were not satisfactorily followed by employees, appropriate action has been taken.
The KPMG investigation and our internal review have provided us with key lessons for the way we operate and will help us create an even better organisation.
We have taken decisive and immediate steps to implement improvements. Some of those changes include:
• An update of policies and processes within World Vision Australia, specifically related to procurement, conflicts of interest and gifts;
• Improved and additional training for World Vision Australia employees, with a focus on procurement; and
• Increased prominence of key World Vision Australia policies on the organisation’s public website.
The KPMG investigation identified an instance where the organisation’s whistle-blower policy may have applied to a communication received by World Vision Australia and, if it did, was not appropriately followed.
World Vision Australia has used the opportunity to strengthen and reinforce the organisation’s whistle-blower policy, and engaged a new and independent provider, YourCall, to receive any allegations of wrongdoing. We have also simplified and streamlined the process for protected disclosures.
We thank our valued sponsors, donors and other stakeholders for their continued support and we will continue to work with them to improve the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children, their families and communities. We remain deeply committed to delivering the maximum possible impact to our vital programs that are at the heart of our work.