
Wrap of December 2022 Meeting

A man sitting at a desk behind a stack of folders

Cashless pokies no solution

Councillors voted against supporting the introduction of cashless gaming cards for poker machines in NSW. Mayor Kennedy said implementing a card system would damage the club industry, impact on club grants to community groups, and drive gambling addicts to illegal or online gambling activity.

Road champions recognised

Councillors supported a verbal Mayoral Minute to thank everyone who had contributed to and advocated for the sealing of the Tibooburra Road, which has now been completed up to the Queensland border.


Trees to be replaced

Council will remove trees from Gypsum Street after an independent arborist’s report identified five trees that should be removed due to poor or declining health. They will be replaced with a more suitable species, and five more trees will be planted elsewhere in the city in line with Council’s greening strategy of planting two trees for every one that is removed.

More support for local art

Council strengthened its stance on supporting local artists by entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with GAARA Arts Inc. The MOU guarantees the women’s arts group one exhibition at the local gallery every two years.

Economic development a focus

Council adopted a new Economic Development Policy after putting a draft version on display for 28 days. The strategy provides a road map for the next five years to harness opportunities available to Broken Hill to support and grow business and industry, facilitate population growth, minimise the risk of a fly-in-fly-out workforce and embrace growth projects including those in the critical minerals and renewable energy sectors and the visitor economy. It will be added to Council’s website and can be found on page 72 of this month’s business papers in the meantime.

Advocacy strategy updated

Council adopted an updated Advocacy Strategy. The strategy is designed to provide a succinct document to clearly define the city’s strategic priorities to Ministers, Members of Parliament and other key decision-makers. It will be added to Council’s website and can be found on page 101 of this month’s business papers in the meantime.

Support for mural

Council supported a proposal to paint a large mural on transportable boards to be placed on the exterior of the Art Gallery workshop. The mural is the result of a design workshop which took place in October 2022 under the guidance of Gallery staff and artist James Price.


Direct negotiations for library and archives

Although no tenders received for the new library and archives project fully met the tender criteria, Council will enter into direct negotiations with the preferred tenderer from the pool, North Construction & Building Pty Ltd, for the construction of the new facility. Construction and material costs have escalated across NSW, and Council will seek financial assistance from a NSW Government overrun fund that has been created to support major projects in the State that are affected by these rising costs.

/Public Release. View in full .